February is Strawberry planting time. Strawberries can be planted as early as six weeks before our last frost, which in North Texas is usually March 17. And we’ve got the plants! Plus we’ve got all the organic products you need to make them produce sweeter, juicier, and healthier fruits.
Strawberries love our mild North Texas spring weather. Late January through mid-March is the ideal time to plant this low spreading fruit. They can be planted as early as six weeks before our last frost, which in North Texas is usually around March 17.
Growing strawberries is easy, and plants can keep producing fruit for several years! Here’s how:
Choose a sunny, fertile site free of perennial weeds. The spot should be well composted and have good drainage. You may also want to work in expanded shale for moisture retention, and some Texas green sand for extra vitamins and minerals. Raised beds or planters are ideal for most types of strawberries, plus they make the berries easier to pick.
Keep some row covers on hand to protect your new plantings from extreme cold and wind.
Transplant individual plants to the same depth they grew in their containers.
Spread out bundled plants and trim off any dead leaves and roots. Find the central crown, and transplant so the base of the crown rests at the soil line and the roots are spread out.
Strawberries require acidic soil with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5, so make sure you use an acidic fertilizer such as cottonseed meal or our Espoma organic Soil Acidifier. You should also mulch between all strawberry plants. Mulching with pine needles or chopped leaves helps support acidic soil conditions.
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