Premium seed brands have less debris, fewer empty shells, and a minimum of less desirable seeds, so you get better value for your money. Marshall Grain proudly features high-quality seeds and seed mixes like Wild Delight. You’ll also find high-energy suet cakes and delicacies like meal worms for insect lovers, along with healthy supplements like calcium grit and specialty products.
Suet Cakes
Suet cakes are an especially high-protein, energy-rich food source. These no-melt cakes are one of the easiest ways to feed your flock all year round – even in summer. And they come in a wide variety of great flavors like Peanut and Orange Burst to keep them coming back.
Other Foods and Treats
Black Oil Sunflower Seed
Nyjer Seed
Freeze-dried meal worms
Live meal worms (in season)
Hummingbird Food Nectar
Oyster shell calcium
Flaming Squirrel Seed Sauce – deters squirrels from raiding your feeders without harming birds