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Dry Molasses has an N-P-K ratio of 1-0-1 but its benefits go far beyond being a fertilizer. Its high sugar content gives beneficial soil microbes a real nutritional boost fo work harder and do their job better. When used as directed this product will not harm beneficial insects, soil organisms, aquatic species, or wildlife.

Dry molasses is gentle on plants and non-burning even in the hottest weather and driest conditions. After application, water in to activate the product for quicker breakdown and soil response.

Dry Molasses Organic Soil Builder

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  • Lawn Maintenance: For healthy turf under an existing organic program apply to dry grass at a rate of 10 lbs. Per 1000 square feet in spring, mid-summer, and fall for maximum performance.

    Newly Seeded Lawns: For a great start for a newly seeded area apply 20 lbs of Dried  Molasses per 1000 square feet on the same day as seed is broadcast. If possible mix lightly into the top inch or so of the soil. Follow your recommended watering schedule for seeding. Apply again after 90 days at the rate of 10 lbs per 1000 square feed, then follow the maintenance schedule. ]

    New Sod: Before laying new sod apply Dry Molasses at the rate of 15 lbs per 1000 sq. ft. on the bare soil. After the soil has been laid, apply at the rate of 20 lbs per 1000 square feet and follow the recommended watering schedule. Apply again after 60 days at the rate of 10 lbs per 1000 square feet.

    Shrubs & Roses: In early spring and again in fall uniformly spread 5 to 6 lbs of Dry Molasses per 100 feet of bed. For individual shrubs use 1 lb per plant. Rake lightly into the top inch of soil and water. Where possible, mix thoroughly into the soil and water well.

    Container Plants: When repotting, use 6 oz of Dry Molasses per 12 inches of container size as a top dressing and water well. Apply again in 90 days at the rate of 4 oz per 12 inches of container size. Use 4oz of Dry Molasses as a top dressing on established container plants every 90 days during the growing season.

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