The more variety you offer, the more birds you will attract. By offering multiple feeder styles, you’ll create an avian smorgasbord they will love to visit. Marshall Grain features well-known squirrel-proof feeders from Droll Yankees and Squirrel Buster, as well as other top brands. Hummingbirds love our nectar feeders, and finches will flock to our finch socks and tube-style finch feeders.
Tube Feeders – Wild birds rate tube feeders as the most popular feeder type. If you can only have one feeder, this should be your choice.
Hopper Feeders – Hopper feeders have a “roof” to help keep the seed mix dry while allowing birds to perch comfortably on the edge of the feeder.
Platform Feeders – Designed for birds that like to scratch at the ground, platform feeders keep seeds out of the dirt
Suet Cages – Wire suet cages are designed to hold a single suet cake. Birds can cling to the wire bars of the cage and peck at the suet inside for a healthy, energizing meal. (Commercially produced suet doughs can be placed outside all year long and will not melt during hot weather.)
Hummingbird Feeders – Nectar feeders are guaranteed to attract hummingbirds.
Specialty Feeders – Finch socks, fly-through feeders, window feeders
Squirrel Feeders – If you can’t beat ’em, feed ’em! Fighting off squirrels can be frustrating and difficult. So why not just give them their own feeder?